Welcome to our shop! What can we bake for you? Located in Alachua, FL. We deliver!
Get ready to indulge in the sweetest treat you'll ever taste! Our...
Treat yourself to something sweet! Our individually brownies are the perfect indulgence....
Craving something sweet? Look no further than our delicious brownies and bars!...
Treat yourself to the deliciousness of a freshly baked Bundt cake! Our...
Indulge in our heavenly Carrot Cake! Are you a dessert lover looking...
Indulge in a slice of heaven with our decadent, delicious cheesecakes! With...
Indulge in a slice of tropical paradise with our Coconut Cake! Are...
Craving something sweet? Look no further! Our homemade cookies are the ultimate...
Craving something sweet and indulgent? Look no further than our delicious cupcakes!...
Ready to make your special day even sweeter? Celebrate in style with...
Looking for a unique and personalized touch to your special occasion? Look...
Indulge in the sweetest treats with our heavenly desserts! Whether you're looking...
Get ready for the quirkiest Easter treats! Our local bake shop has...
Father's Day is June 16. Celebrate Father's Day with a gift from Nancy's...
Treat your special someone to something unique and delicious! Say goodbye to...
Searching for the perfect holiday gifts? Look no further! Our delectable baked...
Enjoy Halloween with custom baked goods decorated in your favorite scary or...
Looking for the perfect way to show someone just how much you...
Learn the art of cake decorating at our spring-themed class on 6/22...
Our Medium Bundt Cakes (6") are the perfect size for a dessert...
Looking for the perfect gift for Mother's Day on May 12? Look...
Looking for a delicious treat that you can enjoy anytime of the...
We create custom cakes, cupcakes, and cookies that will make your baby...